% eliminating super-Arrovean profiles by using Prolog
% Nov 2013; originally Sep & Oct 2010; modified: 19 Nov 2013
% lastly modified: 29 Dec 2013
% created by Kenryo Indo (kindo@kanto-gakuen.ac.jp)
% URL: http://www.xkindo.net/sclp/pl/icaart2014.pl

% this source code has been developed on PC with Windows 7 (and Windows XP) OS
% using SWI-Prolog version 6.4.1 (and 5.6.52) 

/* preference ordering (linear ordering) for 3-alternative case */

rc(1, [a, c, b]).
rc(2, [a, b, c]).
rc(3, [b, a, c]).
rc(4, [b, c, a]).
rc(5, [c, b, a]).
rc(6, [c, a, b]).

x( X):- member( X, [a,b,c]).

r( [X, Y], R):- 
	 rc( _, R), 
	 append( _, [ X | Z], R), 
	 member( Y, [ X | Z]).

i( [X, Y], R):- 
	 r( [X, Y], R), 
	 r( [Y, X], R).
p( [X, Y], R):- 
	 r( [X, Y], R), 
	 \+ i( [X, Y], R). 

/* profile of ordering */

pp( [ R, Q]):- rc( _, R), rc( _, Q). 

all_profiles( U):- 
	 findall( R, pp( R), U).

/* the super-Arrovian domain for 2-individual and 3-alternative case */

jv( 1, 5).
jv( 2, 6).
jv( 3, 1).
jv( 4, 2).
jv( 5, 3).
jv( 6, 4).

% automated proof of the super-Arrovian domain.

jv( M, K, J):- between( 1, 6, M), between( 1, 6, K), J is mod( K + M, 6) + 1.

ppc( M, [K, J], [P, Q]):- jv(M, K, J), rc( K, P), rc( J, Q).

m( M, D):- setof(PP, K^J^ ppc( M, [K, J], PP), D).

test0:- m( M, D), nl, write([M]), f(_F,D,swf_axiom), write(*), fail.


% M should be either 1 or 3.

?- test0.


% What happen if M = 5.

 ?- M = 5, m( M, D), f( F, D, swf_axiom), fig( swf, F), fail.

1:[a,c,b] 1-----
2:[a,b,c] -2----
3:[b,a,c] --3---
4:[b,c,a] ---4--
5:[c,b,a] ----5-
6:[c,a,b] -----6


ppc( [ K, J], [ R, Q]):- jv( K, J), rc( K, R), rc( J, Q).

m1(C):- findall( P, ppc( _, P), C). 
m2(C):- findall( [Q, P], ppc( _, [ P, Q]), C). 
m(C):- m1( A), m2( B), append( A, B, C). 

/* generic function */

f( [ ], [ ], _).
f( [ X - Y | F], [X | D], Axiom):- 
	 f( F, D, Axiom),
	 Goal =.. [ Axiom, X, Y, F],

sample_axiom( _, A, _):- between( 0, 2, A).


?- f( F, [ a, b], sample_axiom). 
F = [a-0, b-0] ;
F = [a-1, b-0] ;
F = [a-2, b-0] ;
F = [a-0, b-1] ;
F = [a-1, b-1] ;
F = [a-2, b-1] ;
F = [a-0, b-2] ;
F = [a-1, b-2] ;
F = [a-2, b-2].


/* Arrow-type preference aggregation (SWF; social welfare function) */

swf( F):- 
	 all_profiles( U),
	 swf( F, U).

swf( F, D):- 
	 f( F, D, swf_axiom),
	 \+ dictatorial_swf( _, F).

swf_axiom( X, Y, F):- 
	 rc( _, Y),
	 pareto( X - Y), 
	 iia( X - Y, F).

agree( +, B, [R, Q]):-
	 p( B, R), 
	 p( B, Q).

agree( -, [X, Y], [R, Q]):- 
	 p( [Y, X], R), 
	 p( [Y, X], Q).

exactly_agree( +, B, [R, Q]):- 
	 r( B, R), 
	 r( B, Q).

exactly_agree( -, [X, Y], [R, Q]):-
	 r( [Y, X], R), 
	 r( [Y, X], Q).

pareto( X - Y):- 
	 \+ (
		 agree( +, W, X), 
		 \+ r( W, Y)
	 \+ (
		 agree( -, W, X), 
		 r( W, Y)

iia( [ P, Q] - S, F):-
	 \+ (
		 x( A),
		 x( B),
		 member( [ U, V] - T, F),
		 exactly_agree( _, [ A, B], [ P, U]),
		 exactly_agree( _, [ A, B], [ Q, V]),
		 \+ exactly_agree( _, [ A, B], [ S, T])

dictatorial_swf( J, F):-
	nth1( J, [P, Q], R),
	 \+ ( 
		 member( [ P, Q] - S, F), 
		 S \= R

% an automated-proof of Arrow's impossibility theorem. 


 ?- swf(F).

 ?- all_profiles(U), f(F, U, swf_axiom), fig(swf, F), fail.

1:[a,b,c] 123456
2:[a,c,b] 123456
3:[b,a,c] 123456
4:[b,c,a] 123456
5:[c,a,b] 123456
6:[c,b,a] 123456
1:[a,b,c] 111111
2:[a,c,b] 222222
3:[b,a,c] 333333
4:[b,c,a] 444444
5:[c,a,b] 555555
6:[c,b,a] 666666

% proving dictatorships on the super-Arrovian domain.

 ?- m1(U), f(F, U, swf_axiom), fig(swf, F), fail.

1:[a,c,b] ----5-
2:[a,b,c] -----6
3:[b,a,c] 1-----
4:[b,c,a] -2----
5:[c,b,a] --3---
6:[c,a,b] ---4--
1:[a,c,b] ----1-
2:[a,b,c] -----2
3:[b,a,c] 3-----
4:[b,c,a] -4----
5:[c,b,a] --5---
6:[c,a,b] ---6--

?- findall(P,(between(1,6,K), J is mod(K -3,6) +1,ppc([K,J],P)),U),
  f(F, U, swf_axiom), fig(swf, F), fail.

1:[a,c,b] ----5-
2:[a,b,c] -----6
3:[b,a,c] 1-----
4:[b,c,a] -2----
5:[c,b,a] --3---
6:[c,a,b] ---4--
1:[a,c,b] ----1-
2:[a,b,c] -----2
3:[b,a,c] 3-----
4:[b,c,a] -4----
5:[c,b,a] --5---
6:[c,a,b] ---6--


/* strategy-proof and non-imposed voting procedure (SCF; social choice function) */

scf( F):- 
	 all_profiles( U), 
	 scf( F, U).
scf( F, D):- 
	 f( F, D, scf_axiom),
	 non_imposed( F),
	 \+ dictatorial_scf( _, F).

scf_axiom( X, Y, F):- 
	 x( Y),
	 \+ manipulable( _, X - Y, F).

manipulable( 1, [ R, Q] - S, F):- 
	 member( [ P, Q] - T, F),
		 p( [ T, S], R)
		 p( [ S, T], P)

manipulable( 2, [ R, Q] - S, F):- 
	 member( [ R, W] - T, F), 
		 p( [ T, S], Q)
		 p( [ S, T], W)

	 \+ (
		 \+ member( _ - X, F)

dictatorial_scf( J, F):- 
	 nth1( J, [ P, Q], R),
	 \+ (
		 member( [ P, Q] - X, F), 
		 \+ best( X, R)

	 x( X), 
	 \+ (
		 x( Y), 
		 \+ r( [X, Y], Q)

% an automated-proof of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem.


 ?- scf(F).

 ?- all_profiles(U), f(F, U, scf_axiom), non_imposed( F), fig(scf, F), fail.

1:[a,b,c] aabbcc
2:[a,c,b] aabbcc
3:[b,a,c] aabbcc
4:[b,c,a] aabbcc
5:[c,a,b] aabbcc
6:[c,b,a] aabbcc
1:[a,b,c] aaaaaa
2:[a,c,b] aaaaaa
3:[b,a,c] bbbbbb
4:[b,c,a] bbbbbb
5:[c,a,b] cccccc
6:[c,b,a] cccccc


/* monotone and unanimous SCF */

mcf( F):- 
	 all_profiles( U), 
	 mcf( F, U).
mcf( F, D):- 
	 f( F, D, mcf_axiom),
	 \+ dictatorial_scf( _, F).

% note: nondictatorship constraint is not active in the unrestricted domain.

mcf_axiom( X, Y, F):- 
	 x( Y),
	 unanimity( X - Y),
	 \+ nonmonotonic_change( X - Y, _, F).
nonmonotonic_change( [R1, R2] - C, [S1, S2] - D, F):-
   member( [S1, S2] - D, F),
   C \= D,
   has_no_reversal( C, R1, S1), 
   has_no_reversal( C, R2, S2).

nonmonotonic_change( [R1, R2] - C, [S1, S2] - D, F):-
   member( [S1, S2] - D, F),
   C \= D,
   has_no_reversal( D, S1, R1), 
   has_no_reversal( D, S2, R2).
has_no_reversal( X, R, Q):-
   lcc( X, R, Lr), 
   lcc( X, Q, Lq), 
   subset( Lr, Lq).

lcc( X, R, L):-
   x( X),
   rc( _, R),
   append( _, [ X| L], R).

unanimity( [[X|_], [X|_]] - X).
unanimity( [[X|_], [Y|_]] - _):- X \= Y.

unanimity1( [R1, R2] - D):-
	 pp( [R1, R2] ), 
	 x( D),
	 \+ ( 
		 x( C), 
		 C \= D,
		 p( [ C, D], R1),
		 p( [ C, D], R2)


% another automated-proof of the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem
% using Maskin-monotonicity (the Muller-Satterthwaite theorem).

 ?- all_profiles(U),f(F, U, mcf_axiom), fig(scf, F), fail.

1:[a,b,c] aabbcc
2:[a,c,b] aabbcc
3:[b,a,c] aabbcc
4:[b,c,a] aabbcc
5:[c,a,b] aabbcc
6:[c,b,a] aabbcc
1:[a,b,c] aaaaaa
2:[a,c,b] aaaaaa
3:[b,a,c] bbbbbb
4:[b,c,a] bbbbbb
5:[c,a,b] cccccc
6:[c,b,a] cccccc


% utilities 

/* table display */

fig( _, _):-
	 nl, tab(10), rc( K, _), write( K), fail.

fig( M, F):- 
	 rc( J, P), nl, write( J : P), tab(1),
	 rc( _, Q), fig_cell( M, [ P, Q], F), fail.

fig( _, _):- nl, write( '--').

fig_cell( swf, [ P, Q], F):- 
	 member( [ P, Q] - S, F), !,
	 rc( I, S), write( I).

fig_cell( scf, [ P, Q], F):- 
	 member( [ P, Q] - X, F), !, write( X).

fig_cell( _, [ P, Q], F):- 
	 \+ member( [ P, Q] - _, F), !,
	 write( '-').

fig_cell( _, _, _):- nl, write( '-').

/* select n elements given a list ( to create restricted domain) */

select_n( [], [], 0).
select_n( [ R | Q], [ R | S], A):-
	 select_n( Q, S, B), 
	 A is B + 1.
select_n( Q, [ _ | S], B):-
	 select_n( Q, S, B).

/* proving the pallarel possibility results by using profile-elimination */

% test1 to test5

% test1: the cross-elimination of paired profiles 
% with adjacent-indecies in the super-Arrovian domain

	 test1( swf),
	 test1( scf),
	 test1( mcf).

test1( Type ):-
	 member( Type, [swf, scf, mcf]),
	 test1_message( Type, Mes),
	 write( Mes),
	 all_profiles( L), 
	 m1( C), 
	 nth1( K, C, V), 
	 nl, write( [ K]), tab( 1),
	 m2( D),
	 nth1( J, D, W), 
	 subtract( L, [ V, W], H),
	 Rule =.. [ Type, _, H],
	 write(J; ' '),
test1( _).

test1_message( swf, ' minimal (cross-)elimination for Arrow-type swf:').
test1_message( scf, ' minimal (cross-)elimination for strategy-proof scf:').
test1_message( mcf, ' minimal (cross-)elimination for monotonic scf:').


 minimal (cross-)elimination for Arrow-type swf:
[1] 1; 2; 6; 
[2] 1; 2; 3; 
[3] 2; 3; 4; 
[4] 3; 4; 5; 
[5] 4; 5; 6; 
[6] 1; 5; 6; 
 minimal (cross-)elimination for strategy-proof scf:
[1] 1; 2; 6; 
[2] 1; 2; 3; 
[3] 2; 3; 4; 
[4] 3; 4; 5; 
[5] 4; 5; 6; 
[6] 1; 5; 6; 
 minimal (cross-)elimination for monotonic scf:
[1] 1; 2; 6; 
[2] 1; 2; 3; 
[3] 2; 3; 4; 
[4] 3; 4; 5; 
[5] 4; 5; 6; 
[6] 1; 5; 6; 


% test2: pallarel generation of restricted SWFs and SCFs 
% by eliminating profiles in the two super-Arrovian domains.

:- dynamic test2_data/4, test_2_f/3.

	 retractall( test2_data(_,_,_,_)),
	 retractall( test2_f(_,_,_)),
	 all_profiles( L),
	 length( [_|B], K), 
	 between( 0, K, N), 
	 M is N - 1,
	 test2_stat( swf, M),
	 select_n( C, B, N), 
	 subtract( L, C, U),
%	 findall( 1, f( F, U, swf_axiom), H), 
	 findall( 1, (
		 f( F, U, swf_axiom),
		 assert( test_2_f( swf(N), F, U))
	 ), H), 
	 length( H, I),
%	 findall( 1, (f( _, U, scf_axiom), non_imposed( F)), G),
	 findall( 1, (
		 f( F, U, scf_axiom),
		 non_imposed( F),
		 assert( test_2_f( scf(N), F, U))
	 ), G),
	 length( G, J),
	 assert( test2_data( N, C, I, J)), 

test2_stat( F, K):-
	 ( var(K) -> true ; K >= 0), 
	 write( [K]), 
	 member( F, [ swf, scf]), 
	 test2_stat( F, K, I, B), 
	 bagof( 1, B, W),
	 length( W, S), 
	 write( I - S ;' '), 
test2_stat( _, _).

test2_stat( swf, K, I, C^J^test2_data( K, C, I, J)).

test2_stat( scf, K, J, C^I^test2_data( K, C, I, J)).


?- test2.
[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[12] 20-1;

 ?- between(0,12,K),test4_stat( swf, K),fail.

[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 

 ?- between(0,12,K),test2_stat( scf, K),fail.
[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-64; 3-120; 4-36; 
[4] 2-30; 3-114; 4-255; 5-90; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 4-144; 5-300; 6-252; 7-72; 8-12; 
[6] 2-2; 5-62; 6-150; 7-294; 8-242; 9-78; 10-72; 12-18; 13-6; 
[7] 6-12; 8-120; 9-132; 10-192; 11-48; 12-108; 13-48; 14-72; 15-12; 16-24; 19-24; 
[8] 10-18; 11-36; 12-57; 13-30; 14-36; 15-36; 16-69; 17-36; 18-72; 19-12; 20-12; 22-36; 25-30; 28-3; 29-6; 30-6; 
[9] 14-4; 17-12; 20-36; 21-12; 22-36; 23-12; 26-12; 28-24; 31-24; 34-12; 35-12; 38-12; 40-12; 
[10] 37-12; 38-6; 40-6; 41-12; 46-6; 48-12; 50-6; 74-6; 
[11] 88-12; 
[12] 196-1; 

?- [menu].

?- tell_goal( 'test2_data.pl', forall, test2_data(_,_,_,_)).

?- tell_goal( 'test2_f.pl', forall, test2_f(_,_,_)).


% test3: the cross table of test2 data.

	 setof( J, K^C^I^test2_data( K, C, I, J), L),
	 member( J, L), nl, write( [J]),
	 bagof( C, K^test2_data( K, C, I, J), W),
	 length( W, S), tab(1), write( I - S ;' '),


 ?- test3.

[2] 2-169; 
[3] 2-24;  3-228; 
[4] 2-6;  3-84;  4-345; 
[5] 3-6;  4-144;  5-302; 
[6] 3-24;  4-24;  5-168;  6-204; 
[7] 5-36;  6-192;  7-138; 
[8] 4-24;  5-36;  6-78;  7-168;  8-68; 
[9] 5-12;  6-12;  7-60;  8-96;  9-30; 
[10] 5-36;  6-36;  7-18;  8-120;  9-60;  10-12; 
[11] 7-24;  8-12;  9-24;  10-24; 
[12] 6-30;  7-36;  8-30;  9-24;  10-48;  11-12;  12-3; 
[13] 4-6;  7-24;  8-24;  10-12;  11-18; 
[14] 7-24;  8-48;  10-30;  11-10; 
[15] 8-12;  9-24;  11-12; 
[16] 6-12;  8-18;  9-48;  10-12;  12-3; 
[17] 9-12;  10-24;  13-12; 
[18] 10-60;  11-12; 
[19] 6-12;  7-12;  10-12; 
[20] 9-6;  10-6;  11-24;  12-12; 
[21] 12-12; 
[22] 8-12;  9-24;  12-24;  13-12; 
[23] 13-12; 
[25] 9-24;  10-6; 
[26] 12-12; 
[28] 10-3;  11-24; 
[29] 9-6; 
[30] 8-6; 
[31] 12-24; 
[34] 12-12; 
[35] 12-12; 
[37] 14-12; 
[38] 11-12;  15-6; 
[40] 11-12;  14-6; 
[41] 15-12; 
[46] 14-6; 
[48] 14-12; 
[50] 14-6; 
[74] 14-6; 
[88] 17-12; 
[196] 20-1; 


% test4: a variant of test3 that replaces strategy-proofness with Maskin-monotonicity.

:- dynamic test4_data/4.

	 retractall( test4_data(_,_,_,_)),
	 all_profiles( L),
	 length( [_|B], K), 
	 between( 0, K, N), 
	 M is N - 1,
	 test4_stat( swf, M),
	 select_n( C, B, N), 
	 subtract( L, C, U),
	 findall( 1, f( _, U, swf_axiom), H), 
	 length( H, I),
	 findall( 1, f( _, U, mcf_axiom), G), 
	 length( G, J),
	 assert( test4_data( N, C, I, J)), 

test4_stat( F, K):-
	 ( var(K) -> true ; K >= 0), 
	 write( [K]), 
	 member( F, [ swf, mcf]), 
	 test4_stat( F, K, I, B), 
	 bagof( 1, B, W),
	 length( W, S), 
	 write( I - S ;' '), 
test4_stat( _, _).

test4_stat( swf, K, I, C^J^test4_data( K, C, I, J)).

test4_stat( mcf, K, J, C^I^test4_data( K, C, I, J)).

% test5: the cross table of test2 data.

	 setof( J, K^C^I^test4_data( K, C, I, J), L),
	 member( J, L), nl, write( [J]),
	 bagof( C, K^test4_data( K, C, I, J), W),
	 length( W, S), tab(1), write( I - S ;' '),


 ?- test4.

[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 

 ?- between(0,12,K),test4_stat( swf, K),fail.

[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 

 ?- between(0,12,K),test4_stat( mcf, K),fail.

[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 

?- test5.

[2] 2-199; 
[3] 3-342; 
[4] 4-543; 
[5] 5-590; 
[6] 6-576; 
[7] 7-504; 
[8] 8-446; 
[9] 9-282; 
[10] 10-249; 
[11] 11-136; 
[12] 12-114; 
[13] 13-36; 
[14] 14-48; 
[15] 15-18; 
[17] 17-12; 
[20] 20-1; 


% test6: simultaneously collects the three types of possibility results.

:- dynamic test6_data/4.

	 retractall( test6_data(_,_,_,_)),
	 all_profiles( L),
	 length( [_|B], K), 
	 between( 0, K, N), 
	 M is N - 1,
	 nl, write(['complete level':M]),
	 select_n( C, B, N), 
	 subtract( L, C, U),
	 test6( N, C, U, _),

test6( N, C, U, swf):-
	 f( F, U, swf_axiom),
	 assert( test6_data( N, C, U, swf:F)).
test6( N, C, U, scf):-
	 f( F, U, scf_axiom),
	 non_imposed( F),
	 assert( test6_data( N, C, U, scf:F)).
test6( N, C, U, scf):-
	 f( F, U, mcf_axiom),
	 assert( test6_data( N, C, U, mcf:F)).

	 test6_stat( _, _), fail ; true.

test6_stat( F, K):-
	 member( F, [ swf, scf, mcf]), 
	 write( 'number of possible domains':F), 
	 between( 0, 12, K),
	 write( [K]), 
	 bagof( 1, C^test6_stat_part( F, K, C, I), W),
	 length( W, S), 
	 write( I - S ;' '), 
test6_stat( _, _).

test6_stat_part( F, K, C, I):-
	 bagof( C, H^test6_data( K, C, _U, F: H), P),
	 length( P, I).

% test7: the cross table of test6 data.

	 member( F, [ scf, mcf]), 
	 write( 'cross table of swf and '), write( F),
	 setof( J, K^C^
		 test6_stat_part( swf, K, C, J),
	 member( J, L), nl, write( [J]),
	 setof( C, K^(
		 test6_stat_part( swf, K, C, J),
		 test6_stat_part( F, K, C, I)
	 ), W),
	 length( W, S), tab(1), write( I - S ;' '),


?- test6.

 ?- test6_stat.

number of possible domains:swf
[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 
number of possible domains:scf
[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-64; 3-120; 4-36; 
[4] 2-30; 3-114; 4-255; 5-90; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 4-144; 5-300; 6-252; 7-72; 8-12; 
[6] 2-2; 5-62; 6-150; 7-294; 8-242; 9-78; 10-72; 12-18; 13-6; 
[7] 6-12; 8-120; 9-132; 10-192; 11-48; 12-108; 13-48; 14-72; 15-12; 16-24; 19-24; 
[8] 10-18; 11-36; 12-57; 13-30; 14-36; 15-36; 16-69; 17-36; 18-72; 19-12; 20-12; 22-36; 25-30; 28-3; 29-6; 30-6; 
[9] 14-4; 17-12; 20-36; 21-12; 22-36; 23-12; 26-12; 28-24; 31-24; 34-12; 35-12; 38-12; 40-12; 
[10] 37-12; 38-6; 40-6; 41-12; 46-6; 48-12; 50-6; 74-6; 
[11] 88-12; 
[12] 196-1; 
number of possible domains:mcf
[0] 2-1; 
[1] 2-12; 
[2] 2-48; 3-18; 
[3] 2-76; 3-108; 4-36; 
[4] 2-48; 3-156; 4-225; 5-60; 6-6; 
[5] 2-12; 3-60; 4-228; 5-348; 6-120; 7-24; 
[6] 2-2; 4-54; 5-170; 6-390; 7-252; 8-50; 9-6; 
[7] 5-12; 6-60; 7-228; 8-348; 9-120; 10-24; 
[8] 8-48; 9-156; 10-225; 11-60; 12-6; 
[9] 11-76; 12-108; 13-36; 
[10] 14-48; 15-18; 
[11] 17-12; 
[12] 20-1; 

?- [menu].

?- tell_goal( 'test6_data.pl', forall, test6_data(_,_,_,_)).
