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% Cumulative References for gprf06,cswf06,dcdi06,drsc06,and sged06
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% 2007.1.8;2007.1.19; last revision: 2008.5.7. 

As for prolog, for example, see [Starling 94] or [Clocksin 03].
As for classical theories of social choice, see [Arrow 63], [Sen 82], [Gaertner 01], and [Arrow 02], and 
especially for impossibility/dictatorial theorems, [Arrow 63], [Gibbard 73], and [Satterthwaite 75].
As for domain restriction see [Gaertner 01], [Blair 83], [Kalai 77], and 
especially for value restrictions, see [Sen 82], [Sen 69] and [Inada 69].
As for simple games and their stability, see [Gaertner 01], [Moulin 88], [Demange 87], [Keiding 85], [Salles 76] and [Nakamura 79].
As for effectivity functions, see [Abdou 91], [Moulin 82], and [Danilov 02].
See also [Peleg 02], [Peleg 98].

% References

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[Arrow 63] Arrow, K.: Social Choice and Individual Values, Yale University Press (1963)
[Arrow 02] Arrow, K., Sen, A., and Suzumura, K.: Handbook of Social Choice and Walfare, Vol. 1, Elsevier (2002)
[Blair 83] Blair, D. and Muller, E.: "Essential aggregation procedure on restricted domains of preferences," 
 Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 30, pp.34-53 (1983)
[Bosserd 08] Bossert, W. and Suzumura, K.: "A characterization of consistent collective choice rules," Journal of Economic Theory, Vol. 138, p. 311-320 (2008) 
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[Danilov 02] Danilov, V. I. and Sotskov, A. I.: Social Choice Mechanisms, Springer (2002)
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[Kalai 77] Kalai, E. and Muller, E.: "Characterization of domains admitting nondictatorial social welfare functions and nonmanipulable voting procedures,"
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[Moulin 82] Moulin, H. and Peleg, B: "Cores of effectivity functions and implementation theory,"
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[Moulin 88] Moulin, H.: Axioms of Cooperative Decision Making, Cambridge Univesity Press (1988)
[Muller 77] Muller, E. and Satterthwaite, M. A.: "The equivalence of strong positive association and strategy-proofness,"
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 International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 8: 55-61 (1979)
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 In K. J. Arrow et al. (eds,), Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare, Vol. 1, pp. 395-423. 
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[Satterthwaite 75] Satterthwaite, M. A.: "Strategy-proofness and Arrow's conditions: Existence and correspondence theorems for voting procedures and social welfare functions,"
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[Sen 82] Sen, A.: Choice, Welfare and Measurement, MIT Press (1982)
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[Starling 94] Starling, L. and Shapiro, E.: The Art of Prolog: Advanced Programming, 2nd edition, MIT Press (1994) 
[Taylor 05] Taylor, A. D.: Social Choice and the Mathematics of Manipulation, Cambridge University Press (2005)
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